This post Assumes:
- XCode is installed and
- .xcode project is set up, and
- you just want to go through final steps for beta/full production release,
- debug mode runs as supposed to on simulator device after you press play/build. Here is a summary of steps for deployment:
1. In Xcode double-click on Project Name
1b. then in the open tab click on targets (not project)
2. under the General tab , increment version number and build number
* Apple recognises versions that are incremented to 1 decimal place rather than 2, for example: we have an app version 1.3 . Therefore 1.4 will be correctly incremented . 1.31 will not be appropriate if you want to submit your app for another review to app store
3. Next change to generic iOS device by going to Product > Destination > iOS Device
4. Make sure you change build mode to production (PROD) Scheme
5. then to build an image of your app for iOS device, Go Product -> Archive
6. Once done Archive tab will pop up ( still in xcode), press the ‘Upload to App Store’
6. This will take you through automatic sign-in steps if you have a developer account associated to Apple’s App Store , if not, you will need to create an account before step 5.
7. Once done :
- log in to
- go to My Apps,
- then choose TestFLight tab
- click on the blue number of the latest app variant
- create a tester group with emails or chose existing one before submitting for beta release review
*you can add emails to tester group at any point thereafter
8. Then click on Builds tab
this will open a box for choosing the app build you want to send to Apple for review — this will take about 1 day initially, until you reach an immediate approval status :)
And that’s it! And hopefully your app gets the thumbs up from Apple and your tester users will get emails for app download through TestFlight !
You will receive numerous emails with requirements and bug fixes they need you to do. Then Re-deploy and re-upload. Good luck ! :)